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Mastering Refinancing: When and How to Refinance Your Fixed and Variable Mortgages

Mastering Refinancing: When and How to Refinance Your Fixed and Variable Mortgages

Mastering Refinancing: When and How to Refinance Your Fixed and Variable MortgagesBy: Denise Cox
Published on: 05/08/2024

Learn when and how to refinance your fixed and variable mortgages. Discover the best strategies and timing for mortgage refinancing to save money.

Home Sellers
Unlocking Homeownership: How to Buy a House with Bad Credit

Unlocking Homeownership: How to Buy a House with Bad Credit

Unlocking Homeownership: How to Buy a House with Bad CreditBy: Denise Cox
Published on: 11/07/2024

Discover how to buy a house with bad credit with expert tips from Denise Cox Realtor. Learn strategies to improve your credit score and secure a mortgage with real-life success stories.

First Time Home BuyersHome SellersDenver MarketReal Estate Investing
The Essential Guide to Earnest Money: Protecting Your Investment When Buying a Home

The Essential Guide to Earnest Money: Protecting Your Investment When Buying a Home

The Essential Guide to Earnest Money: Protecting Your Investment When Buying a HomeBy: Denise Cox
Published on: 29/06/2024

Understand the importance of earnest money in the home buying process. Learn what earnest money is, why it matters, and how to protect it when buying a house for the first time.

Home SellersReal Estate Investing
How to Prepare Your Home for Sale in Denver

How to Prepare Your Home for Sale in Denver

How to Prepare Your Home for Sale in DenverBy: Denise Cox
Published on: 19/06/2024

Selling your home can feel like a whirlwind of emotions and tasks, but with the right preparation, it can also be a rewarding experience. If you're thinking about putting your Denver home on the market, we've got you covered.

First Time Home BuyersHome SellersDenver MarketReal Estate Investing